
Urgent upskilling

Training workshop:

Introduction to Digital Twins as a Tool to Promote Sustainability

Join this online event for SMEs and freelancers on November 14th, from 16:00 to 20:00 CET.

Organised by: Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)


Language: Spanish

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Digitalisation has grown exponentially in companies over the past year, leading to more investment in digital tools and talent to boost competitiveness. However, this edge won’t last unless sustainability is built in.

Digitalisation and sustainability intersect to create more efficient and environmentally friendly business models.

Thus, the ‘Twin Transition’ strategy was born in Europe — a strategy that advocates integrating digital and ecological goals, and training people in both areas. This response meets the demand for new talent who can lead this hybrid transformation in organisations.

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Introduction to digital twins as a tool to promote sustainability


Innovative training programmes

As part of the European project Digital4Sustainability, in which UNIR is a full partner, we are developing  innovative training programmes to give professionals and companies the skills and knowledge needed for the Twin Transition. Join us on November 14 from 16:00 to 20:00 for a training seminar titled: Introduction to Digital Twins as a Tool to Promote Sustainability.

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This free training is specifically designed for SMEs and freelancers who want to learn more about how digitalisation can optimise tasks and make them more sustainable. By attending, you will gain practical insights and strategies that can be immediately applied to your work. We have prepared an interactive session where attendees can actively participate in training while learning key concepts.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your digital skills and contribute to sustainability. Take a look at the agenda and register now to join the workshop!


Training Workshop:

Introduction to Digital Twins as a Tool to Promote Sustainability

Join this online event for SMEs and freelancers, on

November 14th from 16:00 to 20:00 CET.

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